Harry Millard-Beer

HomeArchitectureHarry Millard-Beer

Harry Millard-Beer

Where was your Trident work experience placement and what made you pick here?

My Trident work experience was originally with PF+A Architecture and I choose this firm as I saw them as being a practice of young talented architects with fresh ideas that I could learn from.

How did the experience shape your perspective on architecture?

The experience presented me with a grounded understanding of the full perspective of architecture from the software and programmes used to going out on building site visits with the architects.

In what ways do you think this experience will contribute to your future in the field of architecture?

This experience opened up further avenues for me to explore with other firms of architects such as Axis Mason and Godel Architects.  This allowed me to compare and contrast how different firms conduct their work.  It has also opened up a network of connections that otherwise I wouldn’t have.

What are your hopes and dreams in terms of how your education at university will form your future in architecture?

I hope that my education at university enables me to fully develop and fulfil my own ideas and aspirations into architecture enabling my understanding and appreciation for the practice to grow.

What skills or lessons do you think you’ve gained that will be invaluable in your future academic and professional endeavours?

I think that I have improved on important life skills such as organisation, time management and in addition being able to communicate concisely to get my ideas and vision across coherently.

Upon completing your Trident experience and two other local work placements, you then went on to apply for a week at RSH+P in London, which is in the top two architecture practices in the world for a work placement part of their junior apprentice scheme. Tell us a little more about your experience?

My time at RSH+P in London was exceptional as it gave me an insight into how a large world renowned firm of architects conduct themselves.  Additionally being able to use software such as Rhino, which I hadn’t used before, was helpful.  I was asked to make a model which I had to present along with a PowerPoint presentation to a room full of people from the firm at the end of my week there.

What advice would you give to students who are making their Trident choices or due to start their Trident work experience?

I would advise students to choose a company or practice that you don’t fully understand but that you are interested in possibly pursuing.  You will discover how a particular practice operates and might be surprised by what is involved and also by what opportunities it might lead to in the future.

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